Friday, March 02, 2007

Baby steps

As I mentioned last week, we’re expecting a baby soon. Which means, after the insomnia and the thousands of diapers, we’ll be hearing the pitter patter of tiny little feet. Only they won’t be. I’ve got size 14’s, so if genetics still works the way they taught me in high school, we should be prepared for little footprints more like these:


Chris R said...

So you have three toes ? ;-)

Are Australian foot sizes the same as Brit ones? One of my brothers is a (British) size 14 and he has real trouble getting shoes; I'm a measely size 11, which means I just about get away with it.

C W Magee said...

Australian shoe sizes are multicultural, with either British, US, or European sizes used. But I find that the standard deviation for American shoe sizes is larger than the difference between the US and UK scales at sizes 13-15- so they can overlap depending on manufacturer. Or, UK13 can equal US15 instead of US14...

UK sizes are generally used on men's dress shoes here, while US sizes are generally used on sneakers. So my counting statistics on US variation are way better than that for UK sizes, where n=1.

And I have one toe per foot- like a zebra- but Mrs. Lemming has five.