Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Job

As of this morning, I work as a geochemist for Australian Scientific Instruments, a small engineering firm that builds scientific instrumentation, including the SHRIMP. It is a part-time position, so I still get to spend two days a week with LLLL, while still getting paid to push the frontiers of science. So far it has been great- I spent the day learning how to set up sulfur isotopes on the multicollector, for the purpose of teasing 33S anomalies out of really old mud. Tomorrow will be swimming lessons, a playgrounds, and possibly the zoo.

Although selling the instruments isn’t actually part of my job description, if there’s anyone out there wishing to turn several million dollars of stimulus money into a world-class analytical facility, leave me a note in the comments.


Kim said...

A SHRIMP isn't on my shopping list, but I'm glad to hear you've got a new job.

Ron Schott said...

Congratulations on the new job, Chuck. Do they give an employee discount on SHRIMPs?

Callan Bentley said...

Excellent. Congratulations!

Mel said...

Congratulations on the new job! Sounds right up your alley.

ScienceWoman said...

Congrats on the new job.