Friday, February 22, 2008

Don't get subducted!

There is still time to scrape into the accretionary wedge. But hurry. If you don't underplate your entry by midnight of Feb 23 your time, you may find yourself on the slow train to the mantle, holding a one-way ticket to the CMB. Post links here, in any of the other carnival announcements on this site, or email me using the address described in the sidebar (note that you need to read and think, instead of just copying and pasting the email address).

[edit] I've dropped the security on comments so that anyone can plug their entry here. Please don't post any shameless adverts during this lull.


  1. What if we stagnate at the 660?

  2. If you can't find the activation energy to make the phase transition, you're probably better off writing up for a masters.

  3. Apologies if that last comment comes across as too barbed. Knowing what you want and need out of the educational system requires way more wisdom than simply grinding through 2300 km of unyielding rock just because you're too dense to get off the conveyor belt.

  4. Given that my choices for the evening are "write blog" or "write thesis", the broader implications of your barb didn't really occur to me :)

  5. Why not multi-task, and live-blog your thesis?

  6. This outcrop has always made me go hmmm
    Saundersfoot, UK image
    Where does the orange sandstone go and what happens to the faults?

  7. The Grand Canyon makes me go "hmm":

  8. One hour and eleven minutes before midnight, I'm going hmm about 22 years before 1857. I'd like to know more about Parkfield pre-Fort Tejon.

  9. I've got a structural quandary for the assemled geoblogosphere. It certainly makes me go "Hmmm...".

  10. Just in case my email doesn't make it through, Mt Taranaki makes me go Hmmm.

  11. Here's my submission. I'm on vacation, so it's short, but sweet!
