Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Geosonnet 64

When Perseus, Medusa’s head in hand,
Returned triumphant from the Gorgon’s isle,
He sold himself as hero of the land,
No stony witnesses could cramp his style.
When older larger monsters were destroyed,
No Greek boast twisted dinosaurs’ last stand.
To know the source of mammals’ schadenfreude,
Interrogate the Gorgon Island’s sand.
A spherule bed is present in the rock
Old microtektites still containing glass
The argon age is Chicxulub’s great shock,
American ejecta cumulates en masse.
   Thus impact-based extinction we construe.
   With mythic monsters vanquished, ferns regrew.

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Thursday, February 06, 2020

Geosonnet 63

The Tragomys, like Creagh a desert rat,
Evolving on the hamster wheel of time
Scampered across the desert habitat
Of arid climates close to maritime.
But though they like to sunbathe, they don’t swim.
A beach bum never venturing to sea
Won’t paddle to an island on a whim;
Mallorca Strait stops them assuredly.
But when Mediterranean dries up
By isolation from the global seas
Then rodents which can’t swim can walk or jump
Populating peninsula with ease.
The hamsters, gerbils both confirm the tale
Messinian evaporates regale.

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